EUSTEPs is a three-year sustainability education project focused on the ecological footprint, funded by IKY through the ERASMUS + program (KA203 - Strategic Partnerships for Higher Education).
The goal of EUSTEPs is to educate European university students and the wider academic community on the complexity of sustainability and its interdisciplinary nature in an engaging and captivating way. The program aims to help educate a new generation of citizens and professionals attentive to sustainability, who will be trained to measure sustainability with the use of dedicated digital tools, thus introducing a new and necessary professional figure in society.
The project also aims to provide support for the assessment and reduction of the environmental impact of universities and wider the Higher Education Institutions of the European Union through a collaborative experiential approach based on an innovative application of the footprint ecological, with the intention of re-orienting and adapting the Ecological Footprint of educational institutions within the boundaries established by the resources of our single planet.
Title: EUSTEPs
Enhanching Universities' Sustainability TEeaching and Practices though Ecological Footprint
Funiding Program:
Nov 19 - Nov 22
(36 Months)
Objectives and partners
The project involves some of the leading experts on the subject, from Aristotle University of Thessaloniki - AUTH (Project Coordinators, under the guidance of Professor George Malandrakis), together with the partners of the Universidade de Aveiro and Universidade Aberta of Portugal and the University of Siena, in addition to the partnership with the non-profit Global Footprint Network, which developed the methodology and applications of the ecological footprint.
The key objectives of the project are two:
develop an interactive learning platform that provides a MOOC (Massive Online Open Course) and a series of customized modules for the four targets of the project (students, teaching staff, administrative staff and management bodies);
a University Footprint Calculator, co-developed by academics, PhD students, administrative staff and representatives of NGOs through a participatory process, which will allow users to identify the unsustainability factors of institutions and to start a process to reduce their ecological impact.

Galli, A., Patrizi, N., Pulselli, F.M., Moreno Pires, S., Malandrakis, G., Caeiro, S., Gioia, C., Bacelar-Nicolau, P., Horta, D., and Dias Ferreira, M. 2019. “EUSTEPs project: Enhancing universities’ sustainability Teaching and Practices through Ecological Footprint”. Poster presented at 1st Conference on Sustainable Campus: Higher Education Institutions as Change Agents (CCS2019), October 31, 2019, Porto, Portugal.
Main Results
Social News
17th December 2020 - 667 people reached on Fb
Congratulations to Giulia Onofrietti, new doctor in Ecotoxicology and Environmental Sustainability with a thesis on the EUSTEPs project entitled "Development of a Campus Ecological Footprint Calculator and its application to the University of Siena"!
Now she is preparing to live an Erasmus for Traineeship experience at the University of Aveiro, one of the EUSTEPs partners, to deepen the themes of the project!
Good luck!
16th December 2020 - 27 people reached on Fb
Happening now, the exposition of the first master's thesis on the EUSTEPs Project is underway. Giulia Onofrietti is a new graduate student in Ecotoxicology and Environmental Sustainability with a thesis entitled "Development of a Campus Ecological Footprint Calculator and its application to the University of Siena."
The graduate committee was pleasantly impressed with the interesting topic and clarity of exposition, involving speakers from a variety of disciplines. Indeed, the ecological footprint has the merit (and burden) of being understood by all.
3rd December 2020 - 265 people reached on Fb
Finally after a long time, the third transnational coordination meeting of #EUSTEPs is held at the University of Aveiro, in Portugal, to summarize the results obtained, better define the outputs in progress and draw up a roadmap for the next goals.
#SustainableTeaching - #EcologicalFootprint
Università degli Studi di Siena
Global Footprint Network
Αριστοτέλειο Πανεπιστήμιο Θεσσαλονίκης
Universidade de Aveiro
Universidade Aberta de Portugal
25th October 2020 - 537 people reached on Fb
EUSTEPs meets "We Share One Future": a fruitful exchange between two ERASMUS+ projects. In front of a class of 25 educators from Portugal, Greece, Romania, Italy and Turkey, we presented the EUSTEPs teaching module, thought for university students, professors and staff, but also suitable for students of any level. Very funny!
14th October 2020 - 96 people reached on Fb
Today begins the V Edition of the #ErasmusDays, an initiative that involves hundreds of institutions across Europe and that this year coincides with the launch of the new #Erasmus+ funding program 2021/2027.
Ecodynamics Group currently participates in two Erasmus+ projects:
#EUSTEPs aims to develop innovative methods of teaching about sustainability that engage university students from any discipline and the broader academic community. It also develops a calculator tool to measure the #EcologicalFootprint of universities and enable the implementation of reduction and compensation policies, for more sustainable and conscious universities.
#CityMinded implements an innovative interdisciplinary learning system to find solutions for decarbonizing cities by analyzing environmental impacts, architectural structures and social cohesion. The project will summarize direct experiences with students in a webinar available to all.
8th October 2020 - 932 people reached on Fb
The second #EUSTEPs multiplier event is also an opportunity to show the alpha version of the Campus #EcologicalFootprint Calculator. Soon it will be possible for universities across Europe (but not only) to assess their ecological impact in order to implement sustainability policies towards a reduction of their consumption.
#SustainableTeaching - #EcologicalFootprint
UN SDSN Mediterranean SDSN Black Sea
Erasmus Student Network ASviS - Alleanza Italiana per lo Sviluppo Sostenibile
Università degli Studi di Siena
Global Footprint Network
Αριστοτέλειο Πανεπιστήμιο Θεσσαλονίκης
Universidade de Aveiro
Universidade Aberta de Portugal
5th October 2020 - 120 people reached on Fb
Today is #WorldTeachersDay proclaimed by UNESCO. #EUSTEPs project aims to educate European #university students and the wider academic community about the complexity of #sustainability and its interdisciplinary nature in an engaging and captivating manner.
In addition, its goal is to support the assessment and reduction of the #environmentalimpact of EU Higher Education Institutions (HEIs) through an experiential approach based on an innovative application of the #EcologicalFootprint.
30th September 2020 - 144 people reached on Fb
During the Carbon Neutral conversations event we talk about sustainability education in schools, reiterating concepts such as trandisciplinarity, multiplier effect, search for solutions and coordination of intentions. The EUSTEPs project collects these aspects, interacting with students from all study paths and transmitting the different facets of sustainable development.
Università degli Studi di Siena
Global Footprint Network
@Aristotle university Thessaloniki
Universidade de Aveiro
@universida de aberta
29th July 2020 - 6.380 people reached on Fb
Today is Earth Overshoot Day 2021, the day on which humanity runs out of the renewable resources that the planet provides for all living beings. From year to year this recurrence comes earlier and earlier: in 2020 the various lockdowns of the nations of the world allowed for a slight delay but saving resources in the worst way.
Is a different kind of consumption possible?
With our research projects, we are trying to make a concrete contribution to reducing this impact:
#BlueDeal_med fosters the development of Blue Energy in the Mediterranean
#BuildinWood assesses the sustainability of multi-storey wooden buildings
#Eusteps aims to develop innovative teaching methods on sustainability
#Cityminded tests an innovative learning system to find solutions for decarbonization of cities
If you're interested in learning more about what we do, you can visit our new website:
Learn more about overshoot day at the Global Footprint Network's website:
7th July 2020 - 1.051 people reached on Fb
Led by Global Footprint Network, a team of 20 people, including professors, students and Ph.D. candidates of all four academic partners of the EUSTEPs project, collaborated on defining the “engine” of the Campus Footprint Calculator. The engine is to be developed as a major output of the project. It is comprised of the daily activities included in the Footprint calculation and the detailed questionnaire required to collect data. The team also consulted with four renown international experts on university sustainability from Italy, Sweden, Wales, Canada, who helped them shape the calculator conceptual framework. Now in development, the engine is to be completed by July, followed by the user interface in September. The Calculator will then be tested internally and finalized before its launch at the end of the year.
31st May 2020 - 151 people reached on Fb
Technical-administrative staff at partner universities are one of the four target groups of the #EUSTEPs project. The goal is to facilitate their engagement in the development of a Campus Ecological Footprint Calculator and to actively contribute to the data collection of their universities and workspace. The partner universities have just completed this training phase! How did it go?
@Global Footprint Network, @Università degli Studi di Siena, @Αριστοτέλειο Πανεπιστήμιο Θεσσαλονίκης, @Universidade de Aveiro, @Universidade Aberta de Portugal
24th May 2020 - 174 people reached on Fb
The #EUSTEPs module has been taught to some 5,275 students in five countries so far this academic year! Project partners ( Αριστοτέλειο Πανεπιστήμιο Θεσσαλονίκης, Università degli Studi di Siena, Universidade de Aveiro, Universidade Aberta de Portugal) have implemented the module with more than 900 students altogether through various courses, both at undergraduate and master levels. Furthermore, project partners were amazed to learn that one university outside of Europe taught the module to more than 4300 students in 2021 alone!
#sustainabilityTeaching #ecologicalfootprint
Global Footprint Network
13th May 2021 - 1.105 people reached on Fb
The #GFN warns us that today is the Italian #OvershootDay of 2021. This means that if every inhabitant of the earth consumed like an average Italian, the planet's annually renewable resources would end today, seven and a half months early. Where do we get the other resources? From other countries and future generations!
@Unisi with the project #EUSTEPs aims to build the first university Ecological Footprint Calculator as a tool to quantify consumption and propose policies to reduce the impact on the planet.
In these days we are working with the technicians of our university to involve them directly in the first inventory.
#sustainabilityTeaching #ecologicalfootprint
Αριστοτέλειο Πανεπιστήμιο Θεσσαλονίκης, Universidade de Aveiro, Universidade Aberta de Portugal
12th May 2021 - 387 people reached on Fb
The #EUSTEPs project training is being held today and tomorrow for the technical staff of @unisi, who will be involved in the formulation and data collection of the prototype of the Campus Ecological Footprint Calculator, to assess the environmental consumption of the university.
#sustainabilityTeaching #ecologicalfootprint
Global Footprint Network, Αριστοτέλειο Πανεπιστήμιο Θεσσαλονίκης, Universidade de Aveiro, Universidade Aberta de Portugal
18th March 2021 - 1.347 people reached on Fb
Do you remember the #teaching module for teaching #sustainability through the #EcologicalFootprint developed within the #EUSTEPs project? Thanks to the suggestions provided after the first test carried out last year with Environmental and Sustainability Economics students at Università degli Studi di Siena and other partner Universities, we have improved it. Today another group of students of the Environmental and Sustainability Economics degree of UNISI started their journey with the EUSTEPs module! The EUSTEPs partnership is working to create other activities to foster sustainability practices within the 4 Universities involved. Are you curious? #Staytuned!
#EcodynamicsGroup #EG #sustainabilityTeaching #ecologicalfootprint #SDG4 #2030Agenda #SustainableDevelopmentGoals #Education #EDU4SD
Global Footprint Network, Αριστοτέλειο Πανεπιστήμιο Θεσσαλονίκης, Universidade de Aveiro, Universidade Aberta de Portugal
22nd February 2021 - 668 people reached on Fb
Do you remember the #teaching module for teaching #sustainability through the #EcologicalFootprint developed within the #EUSTEPs project? Thanks to the suggestions provided after the first test carried out last year with Environmental and Sustainability Economics students at Università degli Studi di Siena and other partner Universities, we have improved it. Today another group of students of the Environmental and Sustainability Economics degree of UNISI started their journey with the EUSTEPs module! The EUSTEPs partnership is working to create other activities to foster sustainability practices within the 4 Universities involved. Are you curious? #Staytuned! #ecologicalfootprint
Global Footprint Network, Università degli Studi di Siena, Αριστοτέλειο Πανεπιστήμιο Θεσσαλονίκης, Universidade de Aveiro, Universidade Aberta de Portugal
15th February 2021 - 205 people reached on Fb
Last month, 80 educators from around the world joined the #EUSTEPs faculty members to learn about the EUSTEPs teaching module, a set of lessons aimed at teaching sustainability through Ecological Footprint. Did you miss it? Watch the video recording, share it with your colleagues, and send us your questions or comments. Footprint Network, Università degli Studi di Siena, Αριστοτέλειο Πανεπιστήμιο Θεσσαλονίκης, Universidade de Aveiro, Universidade Aberta de Portugal -
8th February 2021 - 146 people reache on Fb
We got busy at the close of 2020 as we strived to publish our first EUSTEPs eBook. This eBook explores how environmental and sustainability education has evolved over time, and provides a review of initiatives around the world focusing on integrating sustainability teaching in Higher Education Institutions. Check it out!
#sustainabilityTeaching #ecologicalfootprint
Global Footprint Network, Università degli Studi di Siena, Αριστοτέλειο Πανεπιστήμιο Θεσσαλονίκης, Universidade de Aveiro, Universidade Aberta de Portugal
1st February 2021 - 106 people reached on Fb
The teaching material for the #EUSTEPs module is now available for free download in English, Greek, Italian and Portuguese on our website. Choose your language, sign up, and download away.
27th January 2021 - 158 people reached on Fb
Today the first multiplier event was held by the EUSTEPs project partners and in collaboration with SDSN Mediterranean and SDSN Black Sea. Professors from various universities were able to understand and test the sustainability teaching model developped by EUSTEPs.
25th January 2021 - 121 people reached on Fb
Yesterday was #InternationalDayofEducation. Education is increasingly acquiring a central role in facilitating the transition to #sustainabledevelopment, "however, there are still too few #universities equipped to teach #sustainability effectively, let alone practice it."
An open meeting for professors, organized by #EUSTEPs, will be held on Wednesday 27th at 10:00 a.m. to spread good practices within the academic world as well. Register now and follow the event at the link:
4th December 2020 - 201 people reached on Fb
Today is World Sustainable Development Teach-In Day 2020 (WSD-TID 2020). The #EUSTEPs project is participating by making its newly developed module freely available for educators in #EU and beyond. You can access the teaching material at:
The WSD-TID 2020 marks the beginning of a ten-year global movement that aims to raise awareness of the UN Sustainable Development Goals (#SDGs), starting with sustainable education. We seek to infuse sustainability thinking into current education systems and to inspire students of today and tomorrow by reorienting educational practices and also to mobilize and provide teachers with practical and solid knowledge about the SDGs so that they can integrate it into their teaching programs.
20th November 2020 - 172 people reached on Fb
This week the EUSTEPs module lands at the course on "sustainability indicators", part of the Ecotoxicology and Sustainability Master degree @UNISI! Students are introduced to the Ecological Footprint methodology and invited to work on the connections between their everyday life and society, environment, economy, and institutions by means of conceptual maps!
Stay tuned for further advancements of the EUSTEPS project! -
9th October 2020 - 298 people reached on Fb
Almost empty class (most students remotely connect, due to COVID19) at the beginning of the #EUSTEPs teaching module, Academic Year 2020-21, Degree course in Prevention Techniques.
#EcodynamicsGroup #EG #sustainabilityTeaching #ecologicalfootprint #SDG4 #2030Agenda #SustainableDevelopmentGoals #Education #EDU4SD
2nd October 2020 - 298 people reached on Fb
Face-masked meeting at the departments of Sciences and Maths & Physics of the Liceo "A. Volta" in Colle di Val d'Elsa (Siena - Italy) to encourage inclusion of some EUSTEPs themes in educational programs. The EUSTEPs teaching proposal will be translated into "Civics education and Sustainability" programs for high school students.
#EcodynamicsGroup #EG #sustainabilityTeaching #ecologicalfootprint #SDG4 #2030Agenda #SustainableDevelopmentGoals #Education #EDU4SD
Αριστοτέλειο Πανεπιστήμιο Θεσσαλονίκης
25th September 2020 - 195 people reached on Fb
The training with #EUSTEPs PhD students ended today. Today's meeting was a brainstorming on which parameters should be included in the calculator to measure the University #EcologicalFootprint. The official training is concluded, but with the promise to maintain the international relations that have been created thanks to this opportunity and carry out the analysis work.
#EcodynamicsGroup #EG #sustainabilityTeaching #ecologicalfootprint #SDG4 #2030Agenda #SustainableDevelopmentGoals #Education #EDU4SD
Αριστοτέλειο Πανεπιστήμιο Θεσσαλονίκης
25th September 2020 - 456 people reached on Fb
On 25 September 5 years ago, the 17 sustainable development goals, the #SDGs, were approved, a set of goals that all 193 UN member countries have set themselves to achieve by 2030, for a more sustainable world and future. from an environmental, social and also economic point of view.
Ecodynamics Group has supported the initiative since its inception and carries out all research with an eye to the SDGs.
#EcodynamicsGroup supports initiatives aimed at raising awareness towards #sustainabledevelopment. Our research projects are proof of this:
- with BlueDeal_med we aim to achieve the inclusion of Blue Energy in the planning and territorial governance of the EU countries in the MED Area
- with Build-in-Wood we aim to develop a sustainable and innovative wood value chain for the construction of multi-storey #wood buildings
- with #EUSTEPs we perfect teaching methods on environmental sustainability for the training of new generations
- We support the SDGs framework by applying them to all our works
- With #CityMinded we develop and test an innovative, creative, European-scaled learning environment, where #students, and other stakeholders can find together solution for urban decarbonisation roadmaps through a ‘learning-by-doing’ method.
- We support the SDGs framework by applying them to all of our work.
21st September 2020 - 222 people reached on Fb
The doctoral students of the 4 partner universities involved in #EUSTEPs (but not only), were able to enter the actual methodology of the #EcologicalFootprint and understand the fundamental equations for its final calculation. Now the last ... "step" of the week will be to think together to define which activities must be taken into consideration to develop the #Universityfootprintcalculator.
#EcodynamicsGroup #EG #sustainabilityTeaching #ecologicalfootprint #SDG4 #2030Agenda #SustainableDevelopmentGoals #Education #EDU4SD
Αριστοτέλειο Πανεπιστήμιο Θεσσαλονίκης
21st September 2020 - 186 people reached on Fb
In the third online section of #EUSTEPs, teachers from various European and three Brazilian universities were shown the teaching material and methods to propose it to students during their next semester courses. Thanks to the comparison, numerous positive feedbacks were suggested to the organizers with a view to continuous improvement of the final performance for the next training and teaching courses.
#EcodynamicsGroup #EG #sustainabilityTeaching #ecologicalfootprint #SDG4 #2030Agenda #SustainableDevelopmentGoals #Education #EDU4SD
Αριστοτέλειο Πανεπιστήμιο Θεσσαλονίκης
14th September 2020 - 242 people reached on Fb
The meetings of EUSTEPs project continue with professors and PhDstudents from different universities to explain the teaching methods of sustainability through the use of the ecological footprint as a teaching tool.
Participants were able to explore the topics independently on the online platform, calculate their personal ecological footprint and read papers. This morning we analyzed and compared all the different values of the footprints, resulting from different lifestyles. This week group studies will begin to identify the calculation parameters for the University Ecological Footprint.
#EcodynamicsGroup #EG #sustainabilityTeaching #ecologicalfootprint #SDG4 #2030Agenda #SustainableDevelopmentGoals #Education #EDU4SD
Αριστοτέλειο Πανεπιστήμιο Θεσσαλονίκης
7th September 2020 - 308 people reached on Fb
EUSTEPs online training began today for professors and PhD students from European universities (Greece, Portugal and Italy), but also from Brazil. Over the next two weeks, participants will analyze, including online lessons and interactive teaching material, the #EcologicalFootprint as a teaching tool for sustainability and as a basis for researching the evaluation parameters to calculate the ecological footprint of universities. In particular, teachers will have the opportunity to evaluate the teaching material that has been developed by the 5 project partners and already tested in the 4 participating universities, while the PhD students will be asked to interact to establish the characteristics of the calculator for the universities.
The training takes place online thanks to the moodle platform made available by the Aberta University. It should have taken place at the end of May at the University of Aveiro, but given the situation due to #COVID19, the partners decided to change the format and to extend the possibility to more universities to participate.
#EcodynamicsGroup #EG #sustainabilityTeaching #ecologicalfootprint #SDG4 #2030Agenda #SustainableDevelopmentGoals #Education #EDU4SD
Αριστοτέλειο Πανεπιστήμιο Θεσσαλονίκης
22nd August 2020 - 551 people reached on Fb
Today, 22 August 2020, is the #EarthOvershootDay2020, the day when humanity runs out of renewable resources that the planet makes available to all living beings. #EcodynamicsGroup supports initiatives aimed at raising awareness towards #sustainabledevelopment.
Our research projects are proof of this:
- with #bluedeal_med we aim to achieve the inclusion of #BlueEnergy in the planning and territorial governance of the EU countries in the MED Area
- with #BiW we aim to develop a sustainable and innovative wood value chain for the construction of multi-storey wood buildings
- with #EUSTEPs we perfect teaching methods on environmental sustainability for the training of new generations
- With #CityMinded we develop and test an innovative, creative, European-scaled learning environment, where #students, and other stakeholders can find together solution for urban decarbonisation roadmaps through a ‘learning-by-doing’ method.
- We support the #SDGs framework by applying them to all our works.
5th June 2020 - 454 people reached on Fb
Today marks the #WorldEnvironmentDay, established by the United Nations in 1974. #EcodynamicsGroup supports initiatives aimed at raising awareness towards #sustainabledevelopment.
Our research projects are proof of this:
- with #bluedeal_med we aim to achieve the inclusion of #BlueEnergy in the planning and territorial governance of the EU countries in the MED Area
- with #BiW we aim to develop a sustainable and innovative wood value chain for the construction of multi-storey wood buildings
- with #EUSTEPs we perfect teaching methods on environmental sustainability for the training of new generations
- With #CityMinded we develop and test an innovative, creative, European-scaled learning environment, where #students, and other stakeholders can find together solution for urban decarbonisation roadmaps through a ‘learning-by-doing’ method.
- We support the #SDGs framework by applying them to all our works.
#EcodynamicsGroup #EG #sustainabilityTeaching #ecologicalfootprint #SDG4 #2030Agenda #SustainableDevelopmentGoals #Education #EDU4SD
Αριστοτέλειο Πανεπιστήμιο Θεσσαλονίκης
22nd May 2020 - 239 people reached on Fb
Among its objectives, EUSTEPs intends to develop sustainability teaching methodologies in universities also through #distancelearning. Today the project was presented in @unisiena during the #sustainability course, defining the principles of the #ecologicalfootprint, as it is calculated worldwide and locally and testing the personal footprint on our planet.
Even if human contact is more beautiful during a lesson, both for the students and teachers, webinars can be an alternative or complementary solution for teaching on sustainability (but not only).
#EcodynamicsGroup #EG #sustainabilityTeaching #ecologicalfootprint #SDG4 #2030Agenda #SustainableDevelopmentGoals #Education #EDU4SD
Αριστοτέλειο Πανεπιστήμιο Θεσσαλονίκης
22nd April 2020 - 251 people reached on Fb
Today marks the 50th edition of #EarthDay, established by the United Nations in 1950. #EcodynamicsGroup supports initiatives aimed at raising awareness towards #sustainabledevelopment. Our research projects are proof of this:
- with @bluedeal_med we aim to achieve the inclusion of Blue Energy in the planning and territorial governance of the EU countries in the MED Area
- with @Build-in-wood we aim to develop a sustainable and innovative wood value chain for the construction of multi-storey wood buildings
- with @EUSTEPs we perfect teaching methods on environmental sustainability for the training of new generations
- We support the SDGs framework by applying them to all our works
- With #CityMinded we develop and test an innovative, creative, European-scaled learning environment, where #students, and other stakeholders can find together solution for urban decarbonisation roadmaps through a ‘learning-by-doing’ method.
- We support the SDGs framework by applying them to all of our work.
26th March 2020 - 230 people reached on Fb
The module for teaching sustainability starting from the #EcologicalFootprint developed within the #EUSTEPs project, today has reached its final stage. Thanks to the use of the footprint calculator the students were able to calculate their #EF and understand in a practical way which activities require more ecosystem services! This activity was made possible thanks to the students who were willing to develop the module by demonstrating in practice what is the concept of cooperation and the online teaching tools provided by UNISI!
#EcodynamicsGroup #EG #sustainabilityTeaching #ecologicalfootprint #SDG4 #2030Agenda #SustainableDevelopmentGoals #Education #EDU4SD
Αριστοτέλειο Πανεπιστήμιο Θεσσαλονίκης
23rd March 2020 - 841 people reached on Fb
The activity of #EUSTEPs continues. Today we have tested the second session of the Student’s module thanks to the teaching online tools provided by UNISI! We have discussed on how the #ecologicalfootprint is calculated and its application at the national level.
Next thursday we will conclude the module with the calculation of students' personal Ecological Footprint.
#EcodynamicsGroup #EG #sustainabilityTeaching #ecologicalfootprint #SDG4 #2030Agenda #SustainableDevelopmentGoals #Education #EDU4SD
Αριστοτέλειο Πανεπιστήμιο Θεσσαλονίκης
19th March 2020 - 1.100 people reached on Fb
The EUSTEPs project starts with its first module beginning from the concepts of overshoot day and the "fish game", practical and visual tools to understand the limited resources of the planet.
Given the particular moment that our entire society is experiencing, the lesson took place only online with the collaboration of the students.
#EcodynamicsGroup #EG #sustainabilityTeaching #ecologicalfootprint #SDG4 #2030Agenda #SustainableDevelopmentGoals #Education #EDU4SD
Αριστοτέλειο Πανεπιστήμιο Θεσσαλονίκης
29th Genuary 2020 - 348 people reached on Fb
The UN International Day of Education is celebrated every January 24th. There are still more than 250 million children in the world who are unable to complete a basic education cycle; according to estimations, access to secondary education is able to halve the conditions of extreme poverty in a single generation.
In developed countries, the phenomenon of functional illiteracy is growing and the OECD warns that one in 20 Italian students is not able to really understand the text they are reading, increasing fake news and distrust towards academies.
Goal 4 of the UN 2030 Agenda provides access to quality education for all: #EUSTEPs is able to give teaching models for sustainability that will not only affect quality education, but provide the basis for understand our impact on the planet's resources, thus contributing to the formation of model citizens for a more sustainable tomorrow.
Read more at the following link:
#EcodynamicsGroup #EG #sustainabilityTeaching #ecologicalfootprint #SDG4 #2030Agenda #SustainableDevelopmentGoals #Education #EDU4SD
Αριστοτέλειο Πανεπιστήμιο Θεσσαλονίκης
20th January 2020 - 319 people reached on Fb
EUSTEPs is a European-funded project under the ErasmusPlus programme, aimed at creating an innovative teaching model based on good sustainability practices. The key tool of such teaching methods is the ecological footprint. The partnership of EUSTEPs involves 5 istitutions: AUTH University of Thessaloniki (GR), Global Footprint Network, UA Universidade de Aveiro (PT), Universidade Aberta de Portugal (PT) and us of Ecodynamics Group for UNISI University of Siena (IT).
15th January 2020 - 196 people reached on Fb
The European Commission approves the Green New Deal, a strategy that aims to be both environmental and economic, to make the European Union a protagonist in the fight against climate change.
Ecodynamics Group is enthusiastic of this important milestone towards climate neutrality, a theme transversal to some of our current projects, as:
28th November 2019 - 2.637 people reached on Fb
Launched last week in Thessaloniki (Greece) the project EUSTEPS - Enhancing Universities' Sustainability Teaching and Practices through Ecological Footprint, funded by the ERASMUS+ program (ΚΑ203 - Strategic Partnerships for Higher Education) and coordinated by the University of Thessaloniki.
EcodynamicsGroup, with its strong experience in teaching for sustainability, is a partner for the University of Siena, together with the Global Footprint Network and the Portuguese Universidade de Aveiro and Universidade Aberta. We will be looking at ways to teach sustainability to a broad audience of students and develop tools that will help spread awareness and sensitivity.
It's going to be a lot of fun... in the meantime, we made it into the paper.