There's a new superhero in town!
Leave with us and discover the energy of the Sun!

The English PDF version of "SOLAR!" is now available online, free to download, at the Emergy Society official website. This comic is born from the "Sun in the Plate" project of Ecodynamics Group and Monte dei Paschi di Siena Foundation.
Graphic storytelling: Lorenzo Palloni
Idea and revision: Simone Bastianoni and Federico Maria Pulselli
Supervision and editing: Matteo Maccanti
Supported by ISAER – International Society for the Advancement of Emergy Research.
Download the english version of "SOLAR!" comic here.


Our main characters

Shy and introverted, knows how to keep his cool in emergency situations, but hates math
Logical and brilliant, passionate about science, sometimes all too sincere, but if there's help to be given to friends, she's in the front row
Friendly blowhard, smart and good-hearted, impatience is his weak point but luckily he has friends who keep him in check
Curious and lively, distracted by the world around her, she can't stand school: she wants to have fun and use all the energy she has in her body to the best of her ability
Entities coming from a dark dimension, they have mysterious plans of which we know little, but what is certain is that they aim to waste energy and resources of planet Earth.
Professor, emergy scholar, genius and stubborn, he dreams of a world free of waste and full of solar energy for all, and he knows he will succeed with his latest invention, the Macroscope!
Alien belonging to the Solar race, friend of humanity and ally of Dr. Mudo Draw in the research on emergy and in the fight against shadowasters



"To truly understand and solve problems you must look through a Macroscope"
Howard Odum, 1971

Categories: Publications